The value of your property, like most commodities, is in a constant state of change. By evaluating your homes condition, location, special features or potential issues, Adam can precisely pinpoint your properties value based on the current conditions of our real estate market. During this first visit, it is an excellent time to discuss your goals and expectations with the sale of your home and it’s a great time to discuss a game plan for getting your property ready. Together, you will discuss things like staging, boosting your curb appeal, making small repairs to improve a potential buyers first impression, etc. Regardless of what your unique situation is, Adam can help you get your property ready for sale and maximize its value.


Correctly pricing your property from the beginning is a huge factor in having a successful real estate experience. Understanding how to price your property is one of Adam’s most valuable skills as an expert Real Estate Broker and Adam prides himself on his knowledge of the local market as well as his training and proficiency in this industry. Overpricing a listing leads to lowball offers, or even worse, sitting stale on the market. Telling a seller what they want to hear may get someone the listing, but that won’t get the property sold. Adam has an excellent reputation for getting the job done with the greatest results and it all starts with this extremely important step.


In today’s increasingly online world, successfully listing your property is a lot more complex than in the past. Marketing and exposure are the most essential aspects of getting your home in front of as many buyers as possible, and this is where Adam shines. His targeted marketing campaign using both traditional print and digital social media is crucial in today’s fast paced world. This is where most home buyers will first notice your property. For a more detailed look at Adam’s comprehensive marketing plan, click here.


Staying connected with his clients and keeping them updated throughout the entire process is incredibly important to Adam because he believes that all sellers need to be in the loop with every step of the process of their sale. When working with Adam, all calls, texts and emails will be responded to immediately. If you have already been in communication, you would have already noticed this about him. Rest assured that you will always have feedback on showings as well as offers and you will always be in touch to discuss any questions or concerns you may have along the way.


Let’s face it, in every real estate deal, the more educated you are with our ever-changing market and the more experience you have in this extremely competitive industry, the more likely you are to get what you want for your clients. As a top producing, full-time, internationally recognized Real Estate Broker, Adam has the education and hands on experience that have helped him to successfully negotiate millions of dollars worth of transactions for his clients on various types of properties. He treats your money as if it were his own, ensuring you pay as little when buying and receive as much as possible when selling. Adam always fights hard for the best terms and conditions for his clients to ensure that they get the best deal possible.


Above all else, your real estate professional should put your needs first. Adam’s clients are extremely important to him and their happiness during this whole process is number 1. Hiring a true professional to help you through this journey is essential because they are an extension of yourself and your property. Whether that means being punctual, looking polished, being prepared with the proper documents or representing you and your circumstances most favourably, Adam promises that he will always have your back. Adam’s personal reputation in this industry is something he prides himself on and he does not take it for granted for one second.